Texts comprehension according to modality of material presentation and conditions of response in university students

  • Edson Huaire Inacio Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle
Keywords: Comprehension, oral text, written text, oral memory, writing memory


The objective of this research analyzed the level of texts comprehension according to modality of material presentation and response conditions in four groups of students from the National University of Education Enrique Guzmán y Valle. The design was experimental. Four groups were sampled, with a different task, and then compare the results of each of them. Each participant was randomly assigned to each type of presentation (audio or reading) and memory (oral or written). In each mode of presentation, there were two groups of response. Students that participated in the audio mode were asked to remember orally and write down everything just heard; while those in the reading mode were asked to write and say orally everything reminded of the reading. The results reported that the subjects who worked in the written form and responded orally get an average more than other groups, while the group that worked on the oral form and answered written get an average less than other groups. I concluded that the performance of understanding that occurs generally in two modes of presentation and four conditions of response is very poor, and these characteristics: mode of presentation, conditions of answers, type texts, make inferences, working memory capacity, emotional states, among others, that seem to determine the good or bad text comprehension.


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How to Cite
Huaire Inacio, E. (2016). Texts comprehension according to modality of material presentation and conditions of response in university students. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 6(1). Retrieved from https://journals.continental.edu.pe/index.php/apuntes/article/view/354
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