Alcohol consumption in high school students in Huancayo, Peru

  • Jhackz De La O Diaz Universidad Continental
  • Anghela Raffo Olaguibel
  • Yoselin Tineo Cusiche
Keywords: Alcohol consumption, students, teenagers, school, disorders


The aim of the research was to know the disorders by alcohol consumption according gender and study center of origin. The sample was not random to 71 subjects, 32 from a private school and 39 from a national school (45,07 % and 54,93 % respectively) with an age average of 12,76 years from Huancayo city. It was used as instrument of data collection the AUDIT questionnaire which was answered voluntarily. The results indicate that 64,8 % presented no risk consumption, stresses that these people have already consumed alcohol at least once in their life, 26,8 % showed a dependence risk of consumption and 8,5 % was classified as harmful drinking. Regarding to alcohol consumption by school origin, it was observed that in the private school consumers at risk of dependence are 12,7 % and 14,1 % in the national school. As to harmful drinking in the private school is equivalent to 1,4 % and 7,0 % in the national one. The alcohol consumption disorders by gender shows that there is no significant difference between men and women, however in consumption in dependence risk is well known that women have a higher prevalence of 15,5 %, compared to men with 11,3 %. These results will allow the attention of the need to draw appropriate programs for prevention in this group of high school students.


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How to Cite
De La O Diaz, J., Raffo Olaguibel, A., & Tineo Cusiche, Y. (2016). Alcohol consumption in high school students in Huancayo, Peru. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 6(1). Retrieved from
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