Maternal attitudes on infantile feeding and nutritional state of children from preschool institutions in Junín, Peru

  • Karen Coronado Bulege Universidad Continental
  • Hirving De La Cruz Nieto
Keywords: Maternal Attitudes, child feeding, nutritional status, behavior, warmth, cognition, preschool students


The aim was to determine the relationship between the maternal attitudes on infantile feeding and the nutritional state of children’s in preschool institutions of the district of Junín. The research was a descriptive-correlational study; population study was consisted of mothers and their preschool children from 3 years to 4 years, 11 months and 29 days; the sample was 160 mothers and their children through stratified probability sampling. Applied instruments were used to determine the mother’s attitude on infant feeding, an instrument used was a structured questionnaire based on the Likert scale with 30 reagents (component cognitive, affective and behavioural); nutritional status data were obtained through an observation guide provided by the nutritional diagnosis of preschoolers. Results of the research determined the existence of a positive and significant relationship between maternal attitudes on infant feeding (in its three components) and the nutritional status of preschool children in educative preschool institutions; taking into account the value X2 calculate = 9,743 > X2 tabbed = 5,99, rejecting the Ho. Concluding that positive maternal attitudes on child nutrition is related to an adequate nutritional status of children. Therefore, encourage these positive attitudes on mothers will reduce nutritional problems in preschoolers.


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How to Cite
Coronado Bulege, K., & De La Cruz Nieto, H. (2016). Maternal attitudes on infantile feeding and nutritional state of children from preschool institutions in Junín, Peru. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 6(1). Retrieved from
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