Method for discovery in the production of essays in students of the Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia

  • Atanacia Santacruz Espinoza
  • Humberto Montenegro Muguerza
Keywords: Method for discovery, essays production, introduction, development and conclusion


The objective of the research was to determine the influence of the discovery method in the production of essays in the students of the Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia. As a hypothesis, the discovery method significantly influences the production tests students of the Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia. The research method was the scientific method,of quasi-experimental design with pre and post test, non-probalistic sample consisted of 47 students,the experimental group consisted of 27 students and the control group of 20 students. The dimensions were: introduction, development and conclusion.The results allowed to determine the influence of the discovery method on the dimensions: introduction was favorable and significant, highlightingthe indicators, “Select relevant ideas to prepare the essay” and “Formulate hypothesis to affirm their position”. In the development dimension highlighted the indicator “Hierarchize the ideas when arguing the progressive thematic development of the text with coherence and cohesion” and “Arguments the ideas that clarify and support the thesis”. In the conclusion dimension, the indicator “draws conclusions with respect to research. In the results it is observed that this method shows a positive favorable transformation, since the pretest showed that the students had flaws when producing the essay; throught the discovery method they have acquired skills to communicate in writing efficiently, which were clearly visualized in the posttest.


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How to Cite
Santacruz Espinoza, A., & Montenegro Muguerza, H. (2016). Method for discovery in the production of essays in students of the Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 6(2).
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