Level of knowledge of biosecurity associated with occupational accidents in assistant personnel of ESSALUD

  • Cesar Reyes Lujan
  • Íris Carrasco Diaz
Keywords: Biosafety, labor accidents, level of knowledge


Objective: To determine the different levels of biosafety knowledge that influences in labor accidents of care staff in CAP II CHILCA EsSALUD 2015. Method: Descriptive, basic type, correlational design, prospective cross-section; performed on a population of 30 aid workers who work in the Primary Care Center; for data collection a questionnaire was used, was approved by testing the hypothesis of statistical independence chi-square distribution. Results: 56.7% of the assessed staff have a low awareness of biosafety; 20% of staff had labor accidents. There is a highly significant relationship (p<0.05) between the level of knowledge of biosafety and the labor accidents as: age 41-50 years, employment in the group of guards, cleaners and nurses; among those who do not know universalizability principles, use of barriers; risk scale and there is also significant relationship between the wrong answer on the biological risk. Conclusion: The level of knowledge of biosafety and work accidents in workers CHILCA ESSALUD 2015 CAP II was not significant (p> 0.05). However observed that 3.3% of workers with high level of knowledge did not work accident, while that medium-level knowledge and under 20% had labor accidents. What tells us that if we improved the level of knowledge of biosafety the incidence of accidents, would be less.


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How to Cite
Reyes Lujan, C., & Carrasco Diaz, Íris. (2016). Level of knowledge of biosecurity associated with occupational accidents in assistant personnel of ESSALUD. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2016027
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