Educational quality and environmental education in universities of Huancayo

  • Eusebio Castro León Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
Keywords: Quality education, environmental education, huancayo


The objective was to evaluate the educational quality and contrast with environmental education in the Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú (UNCP) and the Universidad Peruana Los Andes (UPLA) in Huancayo. The type of research was applied, descriptive level, non-experimental, transversal, and correlational design. The sample applied in the UNCP was 1052, with a self-weighting of 1020, and in the UPLA 950, with a self-weighting of 951. Regarding the techniques for data collection in both variables was the survey, and as instrument was used the questionnaire, which was subjected to the Cronbach Alpha reliability test. The results regarding educational quality in each guideline show that educational resources and infrastructure have the highest index of discrepancies and that the guideline of intellectual contribution, image and internationalization is the one with the lowest index of discrepancies; in relation to environmental education, the percentage of discrepancy is higher than the favorable opinion percentage; in relation to the variable educational quality and environmental education have the highest number of relationships found. In conclusion, both universities would not be providing educational quality; in addition, there is no commitment to environmental education and, above all, to the protection of the environment, demonstrating that both variables are related to each other, which at least suggests that there is a common factor that induces them.


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How to Cite
Castro León, E. (2016). Educational quality and environmental education in universities of Huancayo. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 6(2).
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