Influence of occlusion in the alignment of the cervical vertebrae to the Silla-Nasión plane

  • Fredy Paucar Asto Universidad Continental
  • Armando Carrillo Fernández
  • Rolando Mendoza Del Río
Keywords: Central relation, habitual relation, cervical position


This research has studied the effect of occlusion in the cervical alignment of vertebrae with relation to the SN plane, by the use of an oclusal guide. The methodology was explicative, transversal and pre experimental. A study group of 10 university students was the sample, to obtain the data base, we used an oclusal guide for one week and radiographic capture to measure the new position of the first 2 vertebrae; angular and linearly position in relation to the point SN. The results show the angle formed by the axis of the odontoid apophysis (C2) and the plane S-N, which we named angle SN – OR; in habitual occlusion the average is 93,35 ° and in central relation the average of 101,65 °, obtaining a difference of 8,3 ° between both pertaining to the jaw positions. . The linear measurements for the habitual occlusion shows an average distance of 26,1 mm and 18,9 mm for the position in central relation. Existing a difference of 7,2 mm for both pertaining to the jaw positions. As Conclusion: the Occlusion influence in the alignment of the cervical vertebrae with relation to the plane SN.


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How to Cite
Paucar Asto, F., Carrillo Fernández, A., & Mendoza Del Río, R. (2016). Influence of occlusion in the alignment of the cervical vertebrae to the Silla-Nasión plane. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 6(1). Retrieved from
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