Sexual and reproductive risk behaviour in Huancayo college students

  • Claudia Ríos Cataño Universidad Continental
Keywords: Self-efficacy, AIDS, sexual behaviours of risk


The aim was to determine the sexual and reproductive risk behaviour in Huancayo college students from a private institution. One is a research, cross-sectional, exploratory and descriptive, the sample nonprobabilistic was conform by 254 young students, the Self-efficacy test was used for AIDS (SEA27) that measures self-efficacy in risk behaviours for AIDS infect, thus also collected data on sexual attitude, knowledge and information acquisition in sexuality, data were digitates, stored and analyzed in SPSS statistical program. Results demonstrated about selfefficacy risk behaviours that masculine gender had one self-efficacy average under 43,6 %, whereas feminine gender showed to have one self-efficacy average high 56,9 %, also about sexual attitudes both sexes are agree with men’s as the person in charge for the protection in a sexual relation, affirming that the use of the preservative only happen when the woman solicits, about sexuality knowledge both sexes are agree with the conditions of risk to contract AIDS is to have relations without preservative, to have sexual relations with strangers and to receive blood transfusions. In conclusion, the college students despite have information relatively safe and with fears towards the contagion, have sexual behaviours of risk, being feminine gender whose present greater self-efficacy against to gender male.


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How to Cite
Ríos Cataño, C. (2016). Sexual and reproductive risk behaviour in Huancayo college students. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 6(1). Retrieved from
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