Origami in the development of the psychomotor skills of children of the initial Educational Institution “La Lupuna”, Ucayali

  • Liliam Zevallos Solis
  • Esther Terrazo Luna
  • Milagros Piñas Zamudio
  • Martha Ramos Berrocal
Keywords: Origami, psychomotor development, gross motor skills and fine motor skills


The objective of the research was to demonstrate the influence of origami in the development of psychomotricity in boys and girls of 05 years of age of the Initial Educational Institution No. 334 “La Lupuna” of Yarinacocha. The research was quantitative character, applied type, explanatory level and pre experiment. The scientist was used as a general method and the experimental method was used as a specific method. The sample was taken not probabilistically and consisted of 18 children. We worked with structured media and materials which were designed and prepared by the researchers. The results show us in the pre test, that 77.78% do not reproduce models based on observation, while in the post test this is reversed, reaching that 17%, have a high psychomotor development and suitable for a child of his age. The main conclusion is that the technique of origami has significantly helped the development of psychomotricity in the boys and girls of 05 years of age of the Initial Educational Institution No. 334 “La Lupuna” of Yarinacocha, because in the beginning only the 12% had a high level of psychomotor development and then the application of the origami technique improves, going on to be represented by 65%, improving by 53%, giving greater skills and abilities to develop the coordination and actions performed daily.


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How to Cite
Zevallos Solis, L., Terrazo Luna, E., Piñas Zamudio, M., & Ramos Berrocal, M. (2016). Origami in the development of the psychomotor skills of children of the initial Educational Institution “La Lupuna”, Ucayali. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2016022
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