Application of the “HALF” Program to improve reading comprehension in children of educational institutions of the Shipibas communities in Ucayali

  • Yris Bedoya Campos Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia
  • José Cedeño León Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia
  • Edwin Huamán Gómez Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia
Keywords: Study habits, parents, reading comprehension


The objective was to determine the extent to which the application of the “HALF” Program influences the improvement of reading comprehension in the girls and boys of Initial and Primary Education of the Educational Institutions of the Shipibas communities of Yarinacocha in Ucayali. The research was quantitative, applied type, explanatory level, and quasi experimental; tha population consisted of 294 students distributed in 10 educational institutions of the initial and primary level of the Shipibas communities of Yarinacocha; the sample was no probabilistic and consisted of 155 girls and boys. In the results we have that in the Pre Test, in the experimental group we obtained an arithmetic mean of 10,57 and in the control group 9,27; regarding the median, in the experimental group we have 12 and in the control group 10, also with respect to the fashion in the experimental group it is 12 and in the control group it is 10; regarding the post test, in the experimental group we have an arithmetic mean of 13,26 and in the control group 11,27, with respect to the median, in the experimental group we have 14 and in the control group 12, and of the fashion in the experimental group we have 14 and in the control group 10, regarding the maximum score in the experimental group we have 20 while in the control group it is 14. The contribution of the present investigation considers that with a level of significance of 5% and a Z = -5,76 , it has been demonstrated that the application of the “HALF” Program has served to improve favorably and significantly the reading comprehension in girls and children.


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How to Cite
Bedoya Campos, Y., Cedeño León, J., & Huamán Gómez, E. (2017). Application of the “HALF” Program to improve reading comprehension in children of educational institutions of the Shipibas communities in Ucayali. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 7(1).
Artículos de investigación