Analysis of the demand for media content among young adults in Huancayo

  • Ivo Yance Carlos
  • José Matas Castañeda
Keywords: Mass media, marketing and demand


The panorama mediatic is challenging, confusing and uncertain. Media consumption has changed dramatically in recent decades and has as main transformation factors: digital distribution, increasingly atomized audiences, consumption on demand, greater access to content generation platfforms and Wireless technology (Wireless Fidelity). In the effort to understand this context, the present research addresses the demand for content of adults from 25 to 35 years of age in Huancayo, for which two focus groups were made, one for men and one for women with eight members each, and a survey (directed to 390 people) to explore the needs of this target group, information that was constrasted with the offer presented by the man print media ( Correo y Primicia), radio (Radio Huancayo and 15:50 ) and television (Kdena 15 and Unitel). The results show that the media partially satisfy the demands of the analyzed public that requires new topics such as: environment, education and family among others. But, above all, the research reveals new consumption habits and presences of offers such as Netflix, high penetration of TV cable (more than 50 %) and others that warn a new scenario for the development of media and content proposals for the Huancaina population.


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How to Cite
Yance Carlos, I., & Matas Castañeda, J. (2017). Analysis of the demand for media content among young adults in Huancayo. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 7(1).
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