Resilience and moral judgment, factors that encourage behaviors and attitudes of personal and social leadership

  • David Zamudio Flores
Keywords: Resilience, moral judgment, influence, leadership


The objective of this paper is to explain and pay special attention to two issues that are resilience and moral judgment, which are factors that influence especially develop behaviors and attitudes of leadership, each of them developed at at high level and complementing each other to excercise in people from an early age a correct understanding and to act on the basis of forging themselves as leader son a personal and social level, which contributes to society influencing and inspiring true leadership. The topic of leadership is treated and studied from an early age, but in many cases it remains only in a theoretical topic and if it is dealt with in a practical way , it is not always in the best way since it is believed that omly by performing dynamics or excercises of competition, leadership is stimulated, the objective is being lost, we must seek and develo pan internal change, a personal development that is based on facting and overcoming the difficulties and adversities of life in a healhy, positive and courageous way, and that we do not lose of view the great importance of exercising behaviors linked to ethics , with the importance that should be given and practice the ethical principles that underlie our conduct of good leadership, empathetic and sensitive towards others. All this is related to the practice and development of resilience and moral judgment, factors thata are addressed in the present work and that contribute to mental health, and greatly to the development of personal and social leadership.


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How to Cite
Zamudio Flores, D. (2017). Resilience and moral judgment, factors that encourage behaviors and attitudes of personal and social leadership. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 7(1).
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