Environmental sustainability of organic coffee production system in Junin

  • Fernando Suca Apaza Universidad Continental
  • Guido Suca Apaza Universidad Continental
  • Raúl Siche Jara Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Keywords: Environmental sustainability, emergy, organic coffee.


Objectives: Evaluate the environmental sustainability of the production system of organic coffee at Junin region, taking as analysis unit the province of Satipo. Methods: it was used the emergy analysis, that characterizes and builds up the production system considering a systemic approach; it quantifies and analyzes the main fluxes of natural and economical resources; and then calculates emergy indicators. Results: The accounting of economy to the system is 43.99%. About the emergy indexes, it was obtained a transformity value of 6.79E+05 seJ/J; renewability percentage of 34.28%; emergy yield ratio of 2.27; environmental loading ratio of 1.92; emergy investment ratio of 0.79; and the emergy sustainability index of 1.19. Conclusions: the production system of organic coffee at Junin Region presents a good organizational level; also shows a higher account of natural resources than the account of economy. The emergy indexes showed that the system of organic coffee presents the highest efficiency level, more renewability, less impact to ecosystem and better counterpart of the nature to the investment than the producers do. In conclusion, the production system of organic coffee at Junin Region is environmentally sustainable.


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How to Cite
Suca Apaza, F., Suca Apaza, G., & Siche Jara, R. (2012). Environmental sustainability of organic coffee production system in Junin. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2012014
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