City, networks and chaotic processes in Perú today

  • Rafael Ramón Ojeda Universidad Continental
Keywords: Failed cities, antagonisms, social networks, cyberactivism, movements, collective action, chaosmosis


The work shows the spectrum of confrontation of the two poles that are the main focus of political and social antagonisms of the country, from the analysis of the disruptive events that are producing chaotic elements that, despite opposing, reinforce that polarizing tendency that is originating, as a sum of instabilities and reinforcement of chaotic processes, events that are presented as substantial characteristics of social struggles, ranging from real space to virtual and virtual to factual urban geography. A situation that despite the positive, because of the active and organized condition of the collective action groups and social movements in the city, such as pressure groups and citizen participation, coordinated processes based on factual activism and the cyberactivism of social networks; It is beginning to affect the actions of the State, also pressing the national urban complexes, whose axis of struggle is the Peruvian capital, as failed cities, on the verge of collapse. In this sense, the city, once a primordial referent of civilized life and society, has been experiencing, from the continuous political, cultural, social and moral disputes of its inhabitants, a countless number of negatively synergistic processes that oscillate between a large sector of the population that struggles in pursuit of their citizenship rights and their right to the city, faced with another that intends to cancel them.


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How to Cite
Ramón Ojeda, R. (2017). City, networks and chaotic processes in Perú today. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 7(2).
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