Effects and mediation of a soft skills program through the development of cognition incorporated in university students

  • Giancarlo Magro Lazo Universidad Continental
Keywords: Training program of skills, soft skills, cognition embodied, interoception


Soft skills have received a great Attention with respect to various methods of evaluation. However, there are still few studies about statistically significant methods for to be able to train them. The embodied cognition allows pose a theory of how these would be identified from the awareness of embodied abilities that have to be developed and maintained in a context socio-cultural history to bring them to a level superior in stages mediated by interoception. This theory put forward by the author of the present report has been put to the test in a program that has been applied to thirteen university students and whose results, contrasted with a control group, have been significant with respect to levels of nervousness (t = -3,379 Sig. =, 003) Mindfulness (t = 4,762 Sig. =, 000) Levels of cognition (t = 5,560 Sig. =, 000) Coping with academic stress (t =2,802 Sig. =, 014) and reactions to academic stress (t = -4.614Sig. =, 000). When looking for the effects at reactions to academic stress it was found that levels of cognition, program variable, not only predicts them better (Linear R2 = 0.669) but that acts as a mediating variable of coping of academic stress and reactions to stress academic (BootLLCI = -. 7933 BootULCI = -. and indirect effect of -.4439). Checking the effectiveness of the program and the possibility of develop this theory.


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How to Cite
Magro Lazo, G. (2017). Effects and mediation of a soft skills program through the development of cognition incorporated in university students. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2017018
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