Generation of curve number map with geographical information system

  • Marcelo Portuguez Maurtua Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
  • Carlos Verano Zelada Autoridad Nacional del Agua
Keywords: Curve Number, CN Raster, SCS CN


The objective of this study is the generation of thematic map of Number of Curves for the territory of Peru, a hydrological parameter used by the US Soil Conservation Service (SCS) for the calculation of runoff. The methodology is based on the use of tools of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which allow to work with diverse data such as coverage and use maps, soils and digital elevation models (MDE). Thematic maps were obtained through the application of reclassification tables and overlapping operations of the different layers of information on which it depends, resulting in “Curve Number” raster maps for normal conditions, wet conditions and dry conditions, parameters Very important in hydrological studies.


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How to Cite
Portuguez Maurtua, M., & Verano Zelada, C. (2016). Generation of curve number map with geographical information system. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 6(1). Retrieved from
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