Investigative powers of the university teaching in postmodern times: transteoreticos contributions in the field of education science

  • Rafaela Chacín Suárez Universidad Rómulo Gallegos
Keywords: competences, education based on competences, investigative powers


The objective was to perform training and investigative practice of the faculty of sciences of the education in the context of the Universidad Nacional de los Llanos Centrales “Rómulo Gallegos” and, understand the meaning they attribute to the investigative powers in postmodern times. It was assumed a phenomenological espistemological stance; hermeneutics was used as metohd. As apprehension of information techniques is made use of in depth interview. The research subjects were university teachers of the sciences of the education of the postgraduate programme in education of the UNERG. The information it was processed through reduction, categorization structuring techniques and interpretation of the contents, from which emerged the grounded theory. It is results that, the university should undertake actions aimed to favor the formation of investigative skills in teachers, it is results that, the university should undertake actions aimed to favor the formation of investigative skills in teachers, of research and extensión; thus research must permeate the university collective action and transcend a formal/ punitive view where only is investigated to obtain diplomas and academic degrees, a conception of research with teaching and extensión incorpórate transverse axis of the teacher and student action. In conclusion the university must be conceived as a space for the formation of investigative skills for life, for the society, for the collective.


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How to Cite
Chacín Suárez, R. (2018). Investigative powers of the university teaching in postmodern times: transteoreticos contributions in the field of education science. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 8(1).
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