Participation of parents or representatives in school activities: an approach from Hermeneutics

  • Yosmar Díaz Chacín Universidad Rómulo Gallegos, Venezuela
Keywords: Education, hermeneutics, participation in school activities


This research had as fundamental purpose interpreted from the perspective of teachers involvement of parents and/or representatives in the school activities for the third year students of the “Pedro Zaraza” Industrial Technical School through a hermeneutical approach: this study is framed within the postpositivist paradigm with qualitative approach and used the hermeneutic method.It had as key informants 2 teachers and 2 fathers and/or mothers had as key informants.for the apprehension of the information,the semi-structured interview was used. As reflections product of the analysis made to the information provided by the informants,it is added that in the positions adopted by the main actors of the educative plot parents,representatives and teachers a reductionist and rigid vision is observed in contrast with the integrationist perspective that requires the meeting between parents and educators to enhance the influences and promote the development of the student.the conceptual difficulty to encourage interaction and participation of the family in school activities of educational institutions does not lie in the awareness of these institutions but in the approach of what each of the parties understand by participating in the interactive meeting and how to do it.In conclusion,there is no active participation of parents in the monitoring of school activities,consider that this situation is experienced in all Venezuelan educational institutions;also the parents and representatives assume that the educational institution is a space for the care of the children.


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How to Cite
Díaz Chacín, Y. (2018). Participation of parents or representatives in school activities: an approach from Hermeneutics. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 8(1).
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