Program of attention in perceptive difficulties of primary students in Huancayo

  • Rocío Coz Apumayta Universidad Continental
Keywords: Attention, perception, perception quickness, space intelligence


The objective was to analyze the influence generated by the attention program on the perceptive development in the students of the educational institution N ° 30054 “Santa Maria Reyna” Huancayo. For which the hypothesis was raised, the attention program has a favorable and significant influence on the perceptive development in students of the educational institution N ° 30054 Santa Maria Reyna Huancayo. The research used a pre experimental design, the sample was census being comprised of 184 students of the 3rd. of primary school, whose ages ranged between 8 and 9 years, the Perception of differences of L.L test was used. Thurstone and M. Yela. The results therefore correspond to the significance level sig = 0.000, which is less than α = 0.05, which allows rejecting the null hypothesis of equality of means of the pre-test and post-test, reaching the conclusion that the attention program generates a favorable influence with a level of unilateral significance of 5% in the perceptive development in students of the Educational Institution N° 30054 Santa María Reyna Huancayo. Which leads us to affirm, that the human brain is distributed in such a way that it acts quickly, to choose a series of stimuli quickly, and choose a stimulus between several options, and if this is potentialized it will improve both its perceptive speed and as its spatial intelligence, obtaining better results in the learning process.


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How to Cite
Coz Apumayta, R. (2018). Program of attention in perceptive difficulties of primary students in Huancayo. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 8(1).
Artículos de investigación