Effects of family, friends and school support about bullying and subjective well-being from Chile and Brazil students

  • Rafael Miranda Ayala Universidad Continental
  • Juan Oyanedel Universidad Andrés Bello de Chile
  • Javier Torres Vallejos, INACAP Chile
Keywords: Subjective well-being, bullying, social support, family support, school support, friend support


This work evaluates the effect of the social support perceived by students regarding bullying experiences and subjective well-being. Likewise, evaluates if the experience of bullying mediate the relationship between different perceived social supports and subjective well-being. Therefore evaluated 1 832 adolescents in Chile and Brazil that are part of the sample of the Children´s World. Structural equation model and correlation analysis were performed to evaluate the proposed objective. The results show that social supports matters. Most of the social supports reported have a significant effect to reduce bullying and promote subjective well-being at students. However, there is no effect mediator of bullying on subjective well-being. The results show that for the case of Chile (b = - 0,31, p < 0,05) and Brazil (b = - 0,20, p < 0,05) school support is a predictor for reducing bullying. For subjective well-being, school support (b = 0,30, p < 0,05) has greater influence in Chile, in Brazil the school support (b = 0,46, p < 0,05) predicts better the subjective well-being. The results show that supports matter subject to state in the model ecological partner, in the medium term to reduce bullying and in the long run promote subjective well-being.


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How to Cite
Miranda Ayala, R., Oyanedel, J., & Torres, J. (2018). Effects of family, friends and school support about bullying and subjective well-being from Chile and Brazil students. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2018010
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