Organizational commitment and attitude to the change of the personnel that works in the National Intercultural University of the Amazon

  • Dulio Oseda Gago Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía
  • María Ramos Toledo Universidad ESAN
  • Olga Cirilo López Universidad Privada del Norte
  • Rocío Manrique Chávez Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica
  • Liliam Zevallos Solis Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía
Keywords: Organizational commitment, attitude to change, overcoming, openness and courage


The main objective of this research was to correlate the variables organizational commitment and attitude to change in the personnel that works in the National Intercultural University of the Amazon. The hypothesis: There is a direct correlation between the organizational commitment and attitude to change in the personnel that works in the National Intercultural University of the Amazon. For this purpose, a quantitative study of the application type and correlation level was carried out; the scientific method and the hypothetical deductive method were used, and the transverse non-experimental design was taken. The survey technique was used and as instruments the survey questionnaires were used to measure the two study variables. The results were analyzed in the statistical program SPSS v.25, whose results tell us that in the organizational commitment variable the prevailing level is the regular one with 68.10% and in the variable attitude to change the prevailing level was high with the 78.53%. It was also determined that there is a very strong direct correlation (rho = 0,946) highly significant (p-value: 0,000 <0,010) between the organizational commitment and attitude to change in the personnel that works in the National Intercultural University of the Amazon. It is concluded that, to a better organizational commitment, there is also a better attitude towards change in the personnel that works in the university and viceversa.


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How to Cite
Oseda Gago, D., Ramos Toledo, M., Cirilo López, O., Manrique Chávez, R., & Zevallos Solis, L. (2018). Organizational commitment and attitude to the change of the personnel that works in the National Intercultural University of the Amazon. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 8(1).
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