The concentration of land: case study of the Valley of Ica

  • Jorge Poma García Universidad Continental
Keywords: Concentration of land, dynamic market of land, agro-export boom, land, natural resources


Large investors international, regional and local, are actors, interested in the purchase of land for different purposes. This race for the acquisition of land in the southem hemisphere has as a main result grabs and the concentration of a rare resource which has a great importance for human and social development. This work assesses these new global problems in the Peruvian context, more specifically, the case of the Valley of Ica. The methodology adopted for this work is non-experimental and descriptive. This is the importance of explaining the evolution of the problem of the concentration of land in the Valley of Ica. First of all, the general aspects of the land and their dedication, as well as its economic and productive developments will be addressed. Secondly, there will be the diagnosis of the dynamics of the ownership of the land. Preliminary results show the existence of the concentration of land for various purposes, whether it is this in the case of the Ica valley, primarily for food production linked to the agro-industrial and export sectors. Also there is evidence that there is a trend of the concentration of land for urban purposes, which this correlated undoubtedly to the economic activities of the Ica valley making the city grow precarious way in the areas of the peripheries of the city.


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How to Cite
Poma García, J. (2018). The concentration of land: case study of the Valley of Ica. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 8(1).
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