The cooperative model and co-housing, a solution to the problem of housing, of conviviality and local development in Perú?

  • Saúl Medina Oré Universidad Continental
Keywords: social housing policies, cooperative model, co-housing, co-existence, cohesive communities


Inadequate management of social housing, the State programs. The absence of urban communities, which get its urban space, generate little attractive cities for life and development of their citizens, it is in this context that the Nordic cooperative model of provision of housing as an initiative born in the 19th century is described after the post-war period; gesta bases in the absence of the state for social housing and the creation of trade unions and federations of workers who take up this initiative in your hands. Swedem, is one of the most representative model, which shows its history, its beginnings, to his apparent downfall, fall that would give way to the reinvention of the same and the emergence of the second model, cohousing or co- housing. This social initiative with–experience, very light in ancient communities in the rural área of the Peru, but not view the urban environmental, you can become a possibility for generation of cohesive communities socially and identified with his city. This essay aims to describe these models and see its possible applications, not only to the arquitectónico- social case, but, in addition to address the problem from a trilogy; social-urbano-architectural. Th eco-housing in the Peru is not something new;Andean Quechua communities as the “Chopcca ” in Huancavelica, “Los Urus” in Puno and many Amazonian communities show us co-rural communal housing.


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How to Cite
Medina Oré, S. (2018). The cooperative model and co-housing, a solution to the problem of housing, of conviviality and local development in Perú?. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 8(1).
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