From values to the values - news

  • Amaro La Rosa Pinedo Universidad de San Martín de Porres
Keywords: Values, values – news, journalism


The article begins with the random and synthetic review of some theoretical criteria concerning values, belonging to a variety of disciplines and approaches. First highlights the findings of philosophy and continues with the psychology, anthropology, communication and neurosciences. Our proposal particularly affects the analysis of values relate to the characteristics of the society. This translates into unique traits and scales of assessment in each culture, as well as diversified patterns of symbolization and evaluation of the reality. The values are linked with the interaction of the social actors and the socialization process, in the framework of which are internalized. Some fundamental concepts of values - news, its theoretical approaches, are then developed from planned by Lippmann. With the logic variants linked with the paradigm and the profesional experience of each author, the values - news are understood broadly as lines of action for the search and selection of what for their qualities to be considered news to then proceed with its processing and dissemination. It says its obvious links with the social reality and the specific situation that you go through. Finally the results of some research about this subject several realities are outlined, in the written press, in social networks and sensational speech.


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How to Cite
La Rosa Pinedo, A. (2018). From values to the values - news. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 8(1).
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