To copy and paste. Is it a new teaching and learning strategy?

  • Jairo Molina Salinas Universidad Nacional Experimental Rómulo Gallegos


During this time of technological era, where the availability of any type of information can be found on the internet, we tend to incur the “copy and paste” , which a lot of people use as a technique to accomplish school activities, doing exact reproductions and committing then academic plagiarism in order to fullfill an assignment. Being this the great fear of many educators while arguing “copy and paste” from internet and reproving the student. In this sense this study is committed with a general purpose or objective: encouring the educator to create didactic strategies based on collaborative learning from ICT for understanding computer programming in order to achieve significant learning. The research is covered under a complex paradigm using a complementarity of methods as a case study and inferential statistics. The population of this study was 42 students of computer engineering from The Romulo Gallegos University, academic period 2018-II. It was obtained as a result that applying the “copy and paste conditioned” allowed to generate a more effective understanding due to involvement of all participants using collaborative learning. It was concluded that using the premise “If you can’t beat the enemy, join” the copy and past could become a didactic strategy that could consolidate the learning on “Programing II” and to reflecting this back on the ethics that everyone should respect about copyright and intellectual production.


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How to Cite
Molina Salinas, J. (2018). To copy and paste. Is it a new teaching and learning strategy?. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 8(2). Retrieved from
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