Body and corporeity as referents of performative research

  • Radamés Guzmán García Centro de Investigación y Altos Estudios (CIAE), México
Keywords: Performance, performative research, body, corporeity


When raising the problem of research in the field of Social Sciences and especially in the field of education, we observe the lack of appropriate references and the discordance between the approaches we make to reality, the forms of reading, the demands of new questions and the need for alternative answers, all of which leads us to think that the reasoning structures that underlie our ways of investigating, participating and acting are insufficient. The above motivates to reflect on the need for a rationality that assumes in the first instance, the subjects in their potentialities and possibilities, in their limitations and restrictions, in their creative capacities, in the dynamics that generate receptive openings and in new forms of knowledge construction. Our proposal, Performative Research, is a way to approach events or educational situations from an epistemological and aesthetic dimension where the body and corporeality are two axes of reference that will allow us to question the logic of thought and action that have guided and they guide the ways of doing science, legitimized by Western rationality. From a complementary perspective to the rational, Performative Research reveals the capacity of the body and art, not only to represent but also to question, parody, criticize the social order and thus interpellate it and, why not, transform it through his active intervention.


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How to Cite
Guzmán García, R. (2018). Body and corporeity as referents of performative research. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 8(2). Retrieved from
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