Re-engineering as a management tool for the planning of administrative management in educational institutions

  • José Armada Pacheco Universidad Rómulo Gallegos, Venezuela
Keywords: Re-engineering, managerial tool, planning, administrative management


The world of planning in educational management has evolved lately in order to optimize its elements for the success of management. In this sense, the reasons why it is intended that it becomes more flexible in terms of the implementation of new tools to facilitate its understanding and execution, are demonstrated through the strategic decisions that have been put in place. An example of this is the reengineering in the educational field, which has managed to establish itself as a process of rationalization closely related to quality management, a radical redesign of all processes. In the present investigation, we sought to achieve the implementation of the reengineering in the planning through a main objective that was to develop the Reengineering as a Management Tool for the Planning of the Administrative Management. The study was supported by an epistemological and methodological position that was consistent with the type of research, that is why the selection was oriented towards field and descriptive research, with a feasible project model, in addition to working with the quantitative method, for which we worked with a sample of 19 elements. A plan based on reengineering was proposed to optimize the planning, since the results of the applied instrument showed that there is a need to redesign the planning model that they have in the institution. Likewise, among the conclusions are the lack of knowledge about management tools and the resistance to change among the personnel that make up the management.


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How to Cite
Armada Pacheco, J. (2019). Re-engineering as a management tool for the planning of administrative management in educational institutions. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 9(2), 15-24. Retrieved from
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