Community transformation for the participation of social actors in the prevention of juvenile crime towards a culture of peace

  • Lipselotte Infante Rivera Universidad Rómulo Gallegos, Venezuela
Keywords: Community transformation, active participation of society, crime prevention, peace building


The objective of this study was to develop a transformation for the active participation of society in the prevention of juvenile crime as a strategy for the culture of peace. The absence of peace requires a cultural relevance based on the construction of the values that are so much required in society, regardless of race, creed or ideals, it focuses on living in harmony and this is achieved through forceful mechanisms of action and systematic that emanate from the governmental entities and the common citizens. In relation to the methodology, it is necessary to note that a qualitative approach was used, framed in the IAP (Participatory Action Research) method. To obtain the data, 3 key informants were selected, to whom a semi-structured interview was applied, which covered all the relevance of the topic. These data were analyzed through the categorization, structuring, manual triangulation and with the software for analysis of qualitative data atlas.ti and finally the comparison. From this, the result was the design and execution of an action plan that provided solutions through strategies aimed at responding to the problems posed. The reflections or conclusions were oriented towards the participation of the community through activities contained in the action plan, with the participation of governmental entities.


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How to Cite
Infante Rivera, L. (2018). Community transformation for the participation of social actors in the prevention of juvenile crime towards a culture of peace. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 8(2). Retrieved from
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