The crisis of the political parties in Mexico and its impact on democracy: Case of citizen candidacies

  • Elisa Yllán Ramírez Universidad Valle de México
  • Cielo Pinilla Moreno Universidad Francisco Victoria, Madrid
Keywords: Democracy, political parties, citizenship, citizen candidacies


The study reviews representative democracy in Mexico, the crisis of parties, the impact of political parties and citizens, and addresses the origin of citizen candidacies based on three significant cases, the experiences developed, the obstacles in the recognition of political-electoral rights, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this reform for the Mexican political system in the face of the party crisis. It explains the three cases of citizen candidacies that had difficulties of recognition in the elections both at the presidential level and at the state and municipal levels. There are the cases of the presidential candidate Jorge Castañeda, of the candidate for the governorship of the State of Michoacán, Manuel Guillén Monzón, and of the candidate María Elizondo to the municipality of Santander Jiménez. Among the conclusions highlights the risk that these nominations can mean for the political system.


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How to Cite
Yllán Ramírez, E., & Pinilla Moreno, C. (2022). The crisis of the political parties in Mexico and its impact on democracy: Case of citizen candidacies. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 10(1), 45-55.
Artículos de investigación