Descriptive study of the orthographic reality of outdoor advertising in the commercial district of Arequipa

  • Dennis Arias Chávez Universidad Continental
  • Lorena Nova Revilla Universidad San Martín de Porres
Keywords: New Spanish spelling, advertisements, spelling ocurrences, arequipeñas mypes


The Writing is a basic way to maintain communication, as it can achieve certain objectives such as persuading, explaining, defining, describing, etc. (appealing and conative language functions). However, putting it at the service of advertising requires, in addition to its essential characteristics, a share of creativity. This research aimed to analyze the spelling reality of the advertisements displayed in the city of Arequipa. For them, documentary observation was used as a technique; while, for data lifting, the instruments were the Study Unit Identification Sheet, the Spelling Record Sheet and the Disaggregation Sheet. The population was composed of 200 advertising posters (study units) collected from seven of the main shopping streets of the city of Arequipa (joint sampling units). After the descriptive statistical analysis it was possible to identify that the most present spelling occurrences are errors in the application standards of tildation, this being the biggest problem in the cases analyzed. There is also a tendency to use capital letters as a strategy to emphasize the message, as well as, in doing so, suppress the use of tilde in them. The creative side is not left to the side and this is evident in the use of signs and foreignwork. Finally, the area that has the greatest presence in the commercial areas is that of food.


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How to Cite
Arias Chávez, D., & Nova Revilla, L. (2018). Descriptive study of the orthographic reality of outdoor advertising in the commercial district of Arequipa. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 8(2). Retrieved from
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