Mindfulness training effects on academic stress reduction in psychology and medicine students

  • Giancarlo Magro Lazo Universidad Continental
  • Astrid Bruno Huamán Universidad Continental
  • María Ramírez Breña Universidad Continental
Keywords: Mindfulness, academic stress, enaction


Evidence showed that high school students have to daily manage academic stress. Mindfulness practice has shown many effects on this variable. For this fact, this paper’s authors have designed two researches with students of Psychology and Medicine of Peru’s Universidad Continental where they were taught on this practice which effects have been observed on many variables related to Academic Stress. The design was a Quasi experiment without contrast group. Psychology Students research gave statistical significance difference on Pre-test /post-test moments of measure. Concern and Nervousness (t = -3.5 Sig. level =. .008) Stress Physical reaction (t =-2.673 Sig. Level= .028), Stress Psychological reaction (t =-3.576 Sig. Level =. 007) and Stress coping strategies (t= 2.956 Sig Level=. 018). Concern and Nervousness (t = -2.29 Sig. level =..052) and Stress coping strategies (t= 3.170 Sig Level=. 019). The absence of a contrast group may reduce statistical significance, however this initial exploration is an opportunity to discuss differential results of mindfulness practice between groups with different contextual realities.


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How to Cite
Magro Lazo, G., Bruno Huamán, A., & Ramírez Breña, M. (2018). Mindfulness training effects on academic stress reduction in psychology and medicine students. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 8(2). Retrieved from https://journals.continental.edu.pe/index.php/apuntes/article/view/617
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