Experiences using the digital portfolio as a teaching strategy in Human anatomy

  • Luis Guevara Vila Universidad Continental
Keywords: Digital portfolio, E portfolio, instrument, higher education


The present investigation narrates the experience of the application of the digital portfolio as an instrument of evaluation in the development of the subject of general human anatomy II, in the professional academic school of Medical Technology of the Continental University, at the beginning the portfolio was used in a way physical but as technology advances, the accessibility to the Internet is more daily for students and the advance of ICTs in higher education, motivated for the innovation of the use of the digital portfolio, with the aim of using technological resources that facilitate learning of human anatomy. The time used for the installation of the digital portfolio was one year applied in 3 academic cycles with a sample of 205 students. Obtaining that in the beginning the digital portfolio could not surpass the physical portfolio this was found taking as reference the qualifications of the students, modifications were made to the digital portfolio and the results improved favorably reaching an 86.7% of the students' acceptance measured in its ratings, surpassing the physical portfolio that only reached 78%. The flexibility of the digital portfolio gives the option for students to use all the information available in different digital formats, collaborating in the learning process, stimulating the capacity for analysis and critical thinking, becoming one of the greatest strengths of this evaluation strategy.


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How to Cite
Guevara Vila, L. (2019). Experiences using the digital portfolio as a teaching strategy in Human anatomy. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 9(2), 8-14. Retrieved from https://journals.continental.edu.pe/index.php/apuntes/article/view/619
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