Implementation of the Interactive Whiteboard (PDI) in the teaching of the calculus integral according to the perspective of engineering students

  • Carlos Peralta Santa Cruz Universidad Continental
Keywords: Digital blackboard, PDI, teaching


The objective was to determine the use of the interactive whiteboard (IWB) in the teaching of the Integral Calculation according to the perspective of Engineering students. The research work is quantitative, descriptive design level, the sample consisted of 163 students enrolled in the subject of Calculus II. For the collection of data, a survey was applied by applying the questionnaire to evaluate the educational use of the interactive whiteboard (IWB), in the teaching of the Integral Calculation according to the perspective of engineering students. The analysis and data processing were the program Excel that were prepared tables and simple graphics. Has as main results at the end of the investigation, a 88.96% of students believe that the IWB can deepen the knowledge, also that the IWB motivates their learning in a 90.16% and 87.73% believe that the use of the IWB, by the teacher satisfaction of students, perceiving the most active teacher in the classroom; 90.79% of students have the criterion which facilitates the manipulation of mathematical software in the class, on the other hand a 78.34% have the appreciation that the concepts and definitions are more understandable with the IWB. In Conclusion, the IWB helps teachers in their explanations using mathematical software without resorting to your laptop or PC, it allows to present activities and resources that may occur including images and videos; the teacher with the help of the IWB can project any information such as definitions, diagrams, operations, among other elements as if were working with traditional blackboard.


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How to Cite
Peralta Santa Cruz, C. (2018). Implementation of the Interactive Whiteboard (PDI) in the teaching of the calculus integral according to the perspective of engineering students. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 8(2). Retrieved from
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