The family social climate and academic performance in the students of the Jorge Basadre public secondary school, populated center of Compone, district of Anta – 2018

  • Jonathan Aguilar Bueno Universidad Continental, Filial Cusco
  • Edgar Enríquez Romero Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Filial Cusco
Keywords: Academic performance, family social climate, dimensions, sub scales, dimension development, dimension relationships, stability dimension, conflict management, impulse control


The purpose of this research was to analyze the relationship between the family social climate and academic performance in the students of the Jorge Basadre public secondary school, in the town of Compone, district of Anta, province of Anta, region of Cusco According to the methodology, the study was based on a quantitative approach, a basic type, a non-experimental correlational design, the sample being the total population of 139 students. The family social climate test was applied, and information was collected on the general average grades of the students of the first quarter of 2018. In conclusion there is a moderate direct correlation between these variables and at the same time between the dimensions of the climate variable family social and academic performance, so that the general and specific hypotheses are corroborated. This also gives us the indicator of the need to work with family and children and achieve greater unity among members, especially in the sub-scales of the relationships dimension, where it is necessary to work with each member and express their ideas, emotions, opinions , impulse control and conflict management, on the other hand in the development dimension, we must work safety, autonomy and make decisions, as well
as the interaction of family members with other people and can take advantage of quality times between them.


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How to Cite
Aguilar Bueno, J., & Enríquez Romero, E. (2019). The family social climate and academic performance in the students of the Jorge Basadre public secondary school, populated center of Compone, district of Anta – 2018. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 9(1), 61-67. Retrieved from
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