Intellectual virtues and egocentricity in the critical thinking of students of Health Sciences

  • Yanina Rojas Anaya Universidad Continental, filial Cusco
Keywords: Critical thinking, intellectual virtues, egocentric thinking


One of the characteristics presented by students who start their higher education is the lack of understanding and analysis of arguments, as well as the lack of open-mindedness to different opinions, which is very important, especially specialties related to health; so it is necessary to investigate and determine the standards of critical thinking such as the intellectual virtues and egocentric thinking in students entering the Professional Schools of Health Sciences of the city of Cusco. The present investigation was non-experimental descriptive. For the collection of data, a questionnaire on intellectual virtues and self-centered thinking was applied to 100 incoming students. For the analysis of data, descriptive statistics were used. The results allowed to identify a low level of intellectual virtues, while the level of egocentric thinking is high, so it is necessary to apply strategies that encourage students to improve these standards of critical thinking.


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How to Cite
Rojas Anaya, Y. (2019). Intellectual virtues and egocentricity in the critical thinking of students of Health Sciences. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 9(2), 1-7. Retrieved from
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