Transcendence of environmental psychology in the individual and collective mental health

  • David Zamudio Flores Universidad Continental
Keywords: Environmental psychology, mental health, behavior, environment, emotion, influence


The purpose of this paper is to explain the importance of the connection and relation between environment and behavior, the influence between both, and how as from this influence environmental and emotional effects are generated, which together will influence people’s mental health. Mental health is a topic that involves all citizens, regardless of their profession, not giving due importance affects us all. Therefore, from our learning, experiences and professions people can contribute with projects and researches that allow to ensure actions and strategies regarding individual and collective mental health within interdisciplinary approaches. Even though our society is gradually warning and understanding the great importance of mental health, there is a lot of work to be done. Therefore, study and research on environmental psychology is appropriate and suitable, since it is a topic that is not highly valued and understood even today in our country. Generating action policies at local, regional and national levels regarding environmental psychology will allow to generate actions in favor of vast numbers of individuals in our society at medium and long term, in order to develop and reinforce attitudes, habits and behaviors related to emotional wellbeing and quality of life at individual and collective level.


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How to Cite
Zamudio Flores, D. (2019). Transcendence of environmental psychology in the individual and collective mental health. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 9(1), 9-14. Retrieved from
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