Virtual Environments and Learning of the students of the Professional School of Systems Engineering of the National University of Huancavelica, Pampas
Virtual environments represent great opportunities within the teaching-learning environment for both teachers and students in terms of flexibility, accessibility and many times in costs. The research aimed to establish the relationship between virtual environments and student learning at the Professional School of Systems Engineering at the National University of Huancavelica in 2018. The research was of the basic type, correlational level, design descriptive - correlational and made use of the general scientific method and the specific statistical and hypothetical deductive methods. The study population was made up of all the students of the Professional School of Systems Engineering of the National University of Huancavelica, which were 188 students, a probabilistic sample of 126 students was taken from them. The survey techniques were used with their survey questionnaire instruments with their reliability criteria (Cronbach's Alpha: 0.986) and the validity criterion (Expert judgment: 90%). The research concludes with a significance level of 5% that there is a strong direct and significant relationship (p - value: 0.000 < 0.010) between virtual environments and student learning at the Professional School of Systems Engineering at the National University. of Huancavelica in the period 2018.
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