Integrated vision in the didactics of teaching, learning and evaluation for biochemical subject applied in the UNERG Venezuela

  • Zulay Palima González Universidad Nacional Experimental Rómulo Gallegos
Keywords: Teaching dynamics, meaningful learning, evaluation, pedagogy


The general objective of this research was to analyze the methodological and pedagogical strategies implemented in the teaching -learning and evaluation of the applied biochemical subject, from the significant learning under an integrative perspective in the faculty of dentistry of the UNERG. the methodology which focuses on the positivist paradigm, with a quantitative approach, the type of research is descriptive, its design is non-experimental longitudinal, the population is the first year students of the dental school who take the subject Applied biochemistry, the sample is 5 sections of 50 students for a total of 250 which represents 30% of the population, the technique of data collection is the survey and the data collection is the questionnaire, as results were obtained. 90% of the students preferred the following evaluation strategies.1. micro class given by the students with the clarifications of the facilitator of the subject at the end of the participation of the same. 2. workshops based on the topics that are developed in the Micro class. 3. Search and presentation of scientific articles on the subject that is developed with a dental approach. It was concluded that the teaching, learning and evaluation dynamics should be based on an open approach to methodology and educational pedagogy.


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How to Cite
Palima González, Z. (2019). Integrated vision in the didactics of teaching, learning and evaluation for biochemical subject applied in the UNERG Venezuela. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 9(1), 38-46. Retrieved from
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