Importance of values and interculturality in students

  • Alexander Castañeda Chávez Universidad Continental
Keywords: Education in values, interculturality


A daily problem that is perceived in society is the manifest intolerance in all instances of human coexistence. This problem corresponds to the ethical, social and political dimension, which is generated and fed by diverse, structural, economic, ideological and / or cultural factors; and, above all, because of the lack of values and respect for interculturality. The objective was to establish the degree of influence of Education in values in the interculturality of students of the Mixed Educational Institution "San Francisco de Borja" of Cusco. As scientific support, essential aspects of education in values, its nature, dynamics, objectives, importance, domains, principles, characteristics are addressed; as for Interculturality, essence, importance, objectives, principles and manifestations of interculturality. A questionnaire of education in values and interculturality of 30 items with staggered responses was applied. In the analysis of the results a significant statistical relationship between education in values and interculturality was determined. In other words, a significant dependence is found at the base of the binomial education in values - interculturality, being the value of Chi square X2 = 423,084, values higher than the distribution value of Chi square for 9 degrees of freedom. Depending on the basis of the investigation and the results obtained, the validity of the hypothesis is confirmed, with a P value of 0; 000 less than the significance level of 0.05.


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How to Cite
Castañeda Chávez, A. (2019). Importance of values and interculturality in students. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 9(1), 47-54. Retrieved from
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