Promotion of the culture of legality in the formation of citizenship to prevent femicide in Perú

  • Mercedes Monjarás Saldaña Universidad Continental
Keywords: culture of legality, femicide, prevention, perspective, prospective


In the year 2021, 146 femicides have been registered and until August 2022 there are 75 femicides in Peru. The review is divided into three parts, in the first, some of the most outstanding processes that show the current situation of femicide are reviewed; in the second, key aspects of public institutions and research are described; in the third, summaries of interviews carried out by the media and responses from citizens are presented. Some of the most characteristic features of the promotion of the culture of legality and on femicide are exposed, aware that it is necessary to promote the benefit of the culture of legality for the prevention of femicide in accordance with the reality of the country and mention that they are the media and the institutions who must approach the citizenry to inform from a new and prospective perspective how to prevent femicide.


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How to Cite
Monjarás Saldaña, M. (2022). Promotion of the culture of legality in the formation of citizenship to prevent femicide in Perú. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 10(1), 81-88.
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