Self-e Project: development of entrepreneurship skills in secondary school students in the European environment, through simulation

  • Rodrigo Latorre Vivar Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
  • Patrice De Micco Universidad de Siena, Italia
  • Erina Guraziu OpenCom issc, Italia
Keywords: entrepreneurship, experiential learning, secondary education, simulation


The article analyzes the forms of learning in secondary education, which allow students to acquire soft skills related to entrepreneurship. The study has been prepared in the context of the European project Erasmus+ Self Entrepreneurship – how to turn ideas into action, delivering as one of its results, a virtual simulation platform developed as a "Serious Game". The article is organized in three parts. The first one deals with the references of the project, such as the EntreComp and DigCompEdu Competency Frameworks. The second describes ways of acquiring the skills necessary to face the current complexity of the world of work and postmodern society. Finally, the results of the research are presented, obtained from representatives of secondary education and the business world in Spain, Finland, Greece, Italy, Latvia and Turkey and that guided the configuration of the simulation, according to the competencies that the world of work demands of young people, and that strengthen the innovation and sustainability processes of the organizations themselves.


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How to Cite
Latorre Vivar, R., De Micco, P., & Guraziu, E. (2023). Self-e Project: development of entrepreneurship skills in secondary school students in the European environment, through simulation. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 11(1), 23-30.
Artículos de investigación