Gamification in education: application experiences

  • Carlos Peralta Santa Cruz Universidad Continental
Keywords: gamification, gamification applications, gamification strategies, gamification mechanics


The work describes the use of gamification in education at different educational levels, for this purpose the objective of carrying out a technical review of the concepts of gamification and its usefulness in the educational field was planned. For this, various academic articles were examined between the years 2019 and 2022, which were related to education, its application and motivation, being found in different databases such as: Science Direct, SciELO, Proquest and Scopus. For its analysis, some criteria have been taken until reaching a database of 22 articles, which were processed according to the objective of the investigation and it was concluded that the benefits of gamification in education generate motivation; participation and socialization and the diversity of the elements involved in its application, which makes educational activities more motivating and stimulating for students.


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How to Cite
Peralta Santa Cruz, C. (2023). Gamification in education: application experiences. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 11(1), 102-111.
Artículos de investigación