Sexist discourse in articles published in indexed journals from universities in the Junín region, Peru

  • Liliana Treviños Noa Universidad Continental
Keywords: sexism, grammatical gender, popular science articles, scientific writing, indexed journals


The use of a language that makes men or women invisible as social subjects leads to the permanence and naturalization of prejudices. Thus, this research sought to focus on sexism from different perspectives and reflect on the permanence of sexist discourse in various popular science publications. For this, a qualitative research approach was chosen and the use of the dialectical hermeneutic method. Likewise, content analysis sheets were designed for the empirical evidence of the subject investigated. Thus, it was verified that the androcentric wording persists hegemonically and the generic use of the masculine continues to be preferred. Therefore, reflection is necessary to make visible the presence of women in academic work. Finally, an Orientation Guide was proposed for the use of non-sexist language in academic writing and thus educate in the use of language in favor of equality between women and men.


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How to Cite
Treviños Noa, L. (2022). Sexist discourse in articles published in indexed journals from universities in the Junín region, Peru. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 10(1), 25-37.
Artículos de investigación