Challenges to improve and strengthen post-pandemic higher education teaching

  • Erika Janeth Villarreal Castañeda Universidad Tecnológica de Matamoros, México
  • Alicia Estrada Torres Universidad Tecnológica de Matamoros, México
Keywords: pandemic, teaching, covid – 19, new normality


The closure of schools due to the 2019 coronavirus pandemic meant that 1,570 million students from 191 countries were affected overnight, according to data from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO, 2020). Analyzing the impact of this global phenomenon is essential to establish lines of action that help reduce educational inequality and school dropout, as well as improve higher education in terms of their graduation profiles and can contribute and successfully enter the labor market. In Mexico, like many other countries, there was no pedagogical and technological training to face this educational disruption. However, despite this, continuity was ensured in the 2020 cycles and part of 2021, evidencing a series of challenges that set a precedent in the academic life of the student and the professor in terms of the forced transformation of the teaching-process. learning and the way of seeing the school in the "new normality".


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How to Cite
Villarreal Castañeda, E. J., & Estrada Torres, A. (2023). Challenges to improve and strengthen post-pandemic higher education teaching. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 11(2), 18-21.
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