Virtual reality in the promotion of tourism

  • Claudia Patiño Machuca Universidad Continental
Keywords: virtual reality, tourism, culture, technology


Virtual reality is transforming the tourism sector, allowing users to experience destinations around the world from the comfort of their homes. This technology allows users to explore the most popular, but also lesser-known places, making tourism more accessible and exciting. In addition, travelers can customize their experiences and experience adventures that would not normally be possible due to physical or financial constraints. The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of virtual reality in the tourism industry, as many tourists were unable to travel due to contingency restrictions. Therefore, tourism companies are using this tool to promote destinations and attract more customers. In addition to this, the use of dissemination and cultural promotion is also important. Although virtual reality still has limitations, it remains an exciting and innovative tool in the tourism and culture industry, and is likely to continue to grow in popularity and use in the coming years.


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How to Cite
Patiño Machuca, C. (2023). Virtual reality in the promotion of tourism. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 11(2), 22-36.
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