The semiotic of color in author cinema

  • Sharon Laime Eulogio Universidad Continental
  • Margot Rodriguez Quintana Universidad Continental
Keywords: cinema, semiotics, cinematography, significance


The relationship between cinema and semiotics has developed over time and has been used by film analysts to interpret and analyze movies. Semiotics refers to the study of signs and systems of meaning. Different semiotic approaches, such as Italian and French semiotics, have been used in genres like film noir, where they employ semiotic approaches as a tribute to cinema and have influenced how films are constructed. In cinema, images and sound are key elements to impact viewers. Sound and image determine the viewer's perspectives and define cinematic narrative. Semiotic concepts, such as indexical, iconic, and symbolic signs, are used in cinema to enhance narrative development and visual communication. Color semiotics is an important aspect in film. Color has the ability to convey messages and emotions and is intentionally used in films. Film directors employ color semiotics to create their own visual language and convey meanings through the colors used.


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How to Cite
Laime Eulogio, S., & Rodriguez Quintana, M. (2023). The semiotic of color in author cinema. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 11(2), 37-49.
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