Influence of the developed curriculum and competitive training for the labor demand of the professional career of Production Mechanics of the public technological higher institutes of Lima

  • Ledgar Nicolao Sovero Sovero Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle, Perú
Keywords: curriculum, competitive training, labor demand, production mechanics


The objective was to determine the influence of the developed curriculum on competitive training for the labor demand of the professional career of Production Mechanics of the investigated public technological higher institutes of Lima. Substantive and descriptive-explanatory research, with a correlational design, carried out on the basis of a population of 185 students from five public technological higher institutes in Lima and a sample of 127. The technique applied was the survey and the instrument, the questionnaire. For data analysis, measures of central tendency, as well as inferential statistics, were applied. The results show that the developed curriculum influences the competitive training for the labor market of the graduates of the Production Mechanics professional career of the aforementioned institutes. It also establishes that 96.8% disagree with the competitive advantages with which they graduate from their institutes into the Production Mechanics labor market, and that 99.2% agree with the need to update the curricular structure. It is concluded that the developed curriculum significantly influences the competitive training for labor demand of the graduates of the Production Mechanics professional career of such institutes.


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How to Cite
Sovero Sovero, L. N. (2023). Influence of the developed curriculum and competitive training for the labor demand of the professional career of Production Mechanics of the public technological higher institutes of Lima. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 11(2), 18-25. Retrieved from
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