Emotional intelligence and bullying in students of educational institutions in the Independencia district, Lima

  • Ledgar Nicolao Sovero Sovero Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle, Perú
Keywords: emotional intelligence, bullying, educational institutions


The objective was to demonstrate the relationship between emotional intelligence and bullying in students of public educational institutions at the secondary education level in the district of Independencia, Lima. Pure basic, fundamental and substantive research, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional and correlational design, was developed on the basis of a population of 9807 students from 17 educational institutions in the district of Independencia, and an initial sample of 370, which, being subjected to the selection instruments for student victims or aggressors of bullying, it was established in 143 students, 71 men and 72 women, between 12 and 16 years old, with a mean age of 13,9 and a standard deviation of 1,5. The general method was the hypothetical deductive method. The technique used was the survey, and the Bar-On Inventory (I-CE) was used as an instrument to measure emotional intelligence. The results show that emotional intelligence is between very low and moderate in 75,5 % (very low, 9,1 %; low, 30,1 %, and moderate, 36,3 %), and between moderate and very high in 60,8 % (moderate, 36,3 %; high, 21 %; very high, 3,5 %); while bullying is expressed in 65 % at a moderate level, 3,5 % at a high level and 31,5 % at a low level. The analysis of both variables verifies the general hypothesis.  It is concluded that emotional intelligence is significantly related to bullying in students of public educational institutions at the secondary education level of the Independencia district, with a moderate Spearman correlation of 0,499 and a statistical significance of a p value of 0,000.


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How to Cite
Sovero Sovero, L. N. (2024). Emotional intelligence and bullying in students of educational institutions in the Independencia district, Lima. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 12(1), 27-41. Retrieved from https://journals.continental.edu.pe/index.php/apuntes/article/view/882
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