Design of Sensory Architecture in Educational Equipment for Children with Autism

  • Tamy Orrego Arauco Universidad Continental
  • Daniela Urpe Yalico Universidad Continental
  • Jemima Carrión Gómez Universidad Continental
Keywords: autism, sensory, multisensory space, enhancing skills


Sensory architecture is the most crucial for the proper educational development of children with autism spectrum disorder. Adapting environments and spaces to meet the sensory needs of a child with these characteristics depends on the sensitivity they present to the things around them, the right elements in a space specially developed for them, helps to enhance their skills. Achieving the development of spaces that improve the well-being of children with autism implies an extensive review of the disorder, as well as of the appropriate strategies that provide the best support. In this article, a broad investigation is made on the most important points that address the disorder and its practical application for the design of sensory spaces in the educational environment.


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How to Cite
Orrego Arauco, T., Urpe Yalico, D., & Carrión Gómez, J. (2024). Design of Sensory Architecture in Educational Equipment for Children with Autism. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 12(2), 61-71. Retrieved from
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