Presupuesto por resultados (PpR): una mirada a los programas presupuestales (PP) del sector justicia

  • Alfonso Gutiérrez Aguado Universidad Continental
Keywords: swiftness, qualified, generic


This work aims to show the Budgetary Programs and the main issues regarding the swiftness in justice processes that the Justice Sector has been developing by making a comparison since its implementation until 2021. This will allow an evaluation of the advancement that has been obtained in the assignment of resources under the logic of a Budget by Results, and the recommendations for the sector to continue strengthening their BP through the design review.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Aguado, A. (2021). Presupuesto por resultados (PpR): una mirada a los programas presupuestales (PP) del sector justicia. Revista Derecho Público Económico, 2(2).